CS35510 Applied Web Development
Academic Year | 2024-2025 |
Coordinator | Malcolm Hutchison (mjh25) | Staff Profile |
Information | View the module information |
This module has an exam in the Semester exam period. The exam timetable will be published during term and a link will be provided when it is available.
Term-time assessment
Take-home Exam
This is set during the exam period.
This is released in the exam period. The date will depend on when the other exams are scheduled. The exam period starts on Mon, 12th May 2025. When the Semester 2 exam timetable is released, the release date and the submission date will be set for this exam.
The following chart shows the timeline for the term-time assessment in this module. Please note that the timeline does not show the date for the exam.
About Feedback Dates
The provisional feedback date is normally 15 working days after the date of hand-in for the assessment.
If there is expected to be a delay on the feedback, you will be notified by email and the date on this page
should be updated. The date for feedback might also be more than 15 working days if the University is
closed during that time, e.g. during part of the vacation or if the marker has some planned annual leave. The length of time might also be longer if the
marking period includes necessary maintenance of Blackboard/TurnItIn (planned or unplanned) during the
marking period.