Assessment Dates for Foundation Year

This page contains the information about the assessment dates for Foundation Year in 2024-2025.
If you have any questions about the information on this page, please contact the year coordinator: Emmanuel Isibor (
Semester 1 Assessment Dates
CS00710 License to Use Mathematics
Coordinator: Richard Jensen (rkj).
CS01010 Spreadsheets for University Students
Coordinator: Muhammad Aslam (mua19).
CS01120 Information Technology for University Students
Coordinator: Emmanuel Isibor (emi3).
Semester 2 Assessment Dates
CS02320 Foundation Programming
Coordinator: Andy Starr (aos).
CS02420 Foundation Mini Projects
Coordinator: Emmanuel Isibor (emi3).
About Feedback Dates
The provisional feedback date is normally 15 working days after the date of hand-in for the assessment.
If there is expected to be a delay on the feedback, you will be notified by email and the date on this page
should be updated. The date for feedback might also be more than 15 working days if the University is
closed during that time, e.g. during part of the vacation or if the marker has some planned annual leave. The length of time might also be longer if the
marking period includes necessary maintenance of Blackboard/TurnItIn (planned or unplanned) during the
marking period.