9.9. Submitting work

This section describes the process to submit your project work. There are three main topics:

The page also describes the Submission time. If you have a locked account, then check the Submission Problems for guidance.

Project Report

PDF document

Prepare your Project Report using whichever word processing tool(s) you prefer. From your selected tool, generate a PDF document and submit the PDF. It must be a PDF document, not the original source document, e.g. Microsoft Office or Open Office.

Please use your Aberystwyth User Id as the prefix for the report filename. For example, if your user Id is abc01 and the report is ProjectReport_2024.pdf, you would create a file called abc01_ProjectReport_2024.pdf.

Report size

There is a limit to the size of the file that you can submit to TurnItIn. This is 100Mb. If your report is larger, then TurnItIn will reject the file.

It is rare for reports to be too large. When they are over the limit, it is often because high-resolution images have been included. It is good to include images, but do consider the actual size of the image that is shown in the report.

If you want the markers to be able to see the detail in a particular image, then you could include the original high-resolution image in your technical submission and a lower-resolution version in your report; if you do that, you could add a footnote for an image and mention where the high-resolution image is in the technical work.

Declaration of originality

Remember to include the declaration of originality in your report and add your name and date to that page. This statement on declaration of originality is required.

Typing your name and date is sufficient. You do not need to add a handwritten signature to the file.

Upload report

Upload your Project Report by 1pm on the submission date, as stated on the Assessment Dates page for the module. The deadline is the same for all of the MMP modules.

This is a TurnItIn upload via Blackboard. When you have successfully uploaded your report, you will receive an email from TurnItIn. If you do not receive that email, go and check the upload. Is the file uploaded on Turn It In and is the receipt available to you on TurnItIn?


Uploading the report is done in two stages. You first select the file. That file is loaded by TurnItIn and you are shown a preview of the document. You still need to confirm the submission. If you don’t confirm the submission, it is not stored by TurnItIn.

If you didn’t get your email within about 10 minutes, the chances are that your submission was not successful and you need to do it again. If you have any questions, contact the Module coordinator.

If you make a mistake in the report that you upload, you can go through the upload again. We will take the final version of the report that you have submitted by the deadline.

Technical Work

In addition to uploading your Project Report as a PDF, you need to upload your Technical Work to Blackboard.

Create a ZIP file or compressed tar file that contains the following information:

  • A README.txt file that describes the structure and content of the technical work.

  • A set of directories and files that contain the relevant technical items for your project. This should certainly include the final version of the system that you have generated and scripts/instructions on building and running. Remember to include any tests, e.g. unit tests, test harnesses or test drivers. Have you created any test data? If so, include that data. Include other technical work that is relevant for your project. Make it easy for the marker to identify what is the final version.


Please use the following format for the filename: <id>_TechnicalWork_2024 with the relevant .file extension for the type of file. Replace <id> with your Aberystwyth user Id. For example, if your user Id is abc101 and this is a Zip file, please name it abc101_TechnicalWork_2024.zip.

Third-Party modules

If you have used third party modules, check whether you have the rights to distribute them to us. If the license for the module does not let you distribute the code to another party, then tell us what those modules are and how we can get more information about them. If you are unsure, contact the Module coordinator.

Submission file size

Blackboard uploads cannot be larger than 2Gb. If your upload is larger than 2Gb:

  1. Consider what is in the technical work and what is relevant to submit. Talk to your Supervisor and Module Coordinator to discuss.

    If you have used a version control system such as Git, then you do not need to submit the local copy of the version history. That might reduce the overall size of your submission. For Git, that means you do not need to submit the .git folder. If seeing the version control changes is relevant for your work, put a link to your Git repository and make it possible for your markers to see the repository.

    If you have downloaded some test data and used it in your project, you might not need to submit it if we can simply download it. If it can be downloaded without requiring your markers to sign-up for accounts, you can tell us where to get the data from in your report and in your README file.

    If you downloaded some test data and then pre-processed it before using it in your project, Contact the Module coordinator to ask whether it is relevant to submit that.

  2. If it is agreed that the work to be submitted will be over 2Gb, follow the alternative process for submitting your work that does not use Blackboard; described in the section Alternative Submission.

Data confidentiality

Some projects undertake projects using resources from third-parties, e.g. a company that the person worked for in their Industrial Year. If that third-party has provided data for the project, please check if there are any confidentiality issues regarding that data before submitting it with your project. Contact the Module coordinator as soon as possible if there are any questions about that. Only discussing that with your supervisor and the module coordinator near to the submission would not be good practice.

Submission time

You can upload your Report and Technical Work in advance of the deadline. You will submit your work to the Assessment and Feedback section on Blackboard.

The deadline for submitting the Project Report is 1pm on Friday 9th August, 2024.

If you are uploading on the day of the deadline, remember that the servers will be busy. To balance out the load, please submit your Technical Work within 2 hours (before or after) you have submitted your report.

If you submit your Project Report at the deadline (i.e. before 1pm) then you have until 3pm to complete the upload of your Technical Work.

Please note: Late submissions will not be accepted. The exam board has instructed us that if a submission is recieved late, it will receive a mark of 0.

Important: Your uploads must be complete before the stated time. Make sure that you start the upload in good time so that this is complete in time. Uploading from a home network can be slower than you expect. Please make sure that you allow enough time so that the upload completes in time.

Submission Problems

In rare cases, a student’s Aberystwyth Blackboard account is locked at the time of submission. If that happens to you, please contact Information Services to get it unlocked.

If there are other submission problems, contact the Module coordinator as soon as possible.

Please do not leave any uploads until it is nearly the end of the available time. If you do that, you may not have time to resolve the issue before the closing time for the submissions.


If you have any questions about submission, please contact the Module coordinator sooner rather than later.